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About Us
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In a world of long-standing Massachusetts garden clubs, many of which are over 50 years old and a few even over 100, we are a “new” 28-year-old 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a history of dedicated, forward-thinking leadership.

The club’s founders, Sharon Dwyer and Marcia Stephenson first met in the garden center at the local Home Depot. Both were new gardeners and interested in learning about plants. Together they began visiting area nurseries and touring local gardens, increasing their knowledge. But they wanted to know more and felt that networking with other West Roxbury gardeners would be a good place to start.

               Although there was already an existing West Roxbury Garden Club, Sharon and Marcia had full-time jobs and could not attend daytime meetings. They contacted The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, spoke with local landscape designer Sally Muspratt, and decided to explore whether there might be community support for a new club that met in the evening.              


               Sally wrote an article for the West Roxbury Transcript, announcing a meeting at the local high school. Much to Sharon and Marcia’s delight, over 20 interested people showed up. The rest is history!

               The Evening Garden Club of West Roxbury was organized in August 1996 and joined The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts in 1997. From the beginning, giving back to the community was a priority, and the new club decided to make civic beautification a key component of its mission. Today EGCWR maintains two visibility sites in West Roxbury.

               Monthly club meetings offer members and visitors the opportunity to learn from professionals who speak on a variety of gardening-related topics. Meetings also provide a forum for attendees to exchange gardening insights gleaned from their own experience.

               Over the years the club’s founders moved to other communities and states, but they left behind in West Roxbury a wonderful living legacy in The Evening Garden Club of West Roxbury. Happily, many of the club’s founding members remain active.

Coming Attractions

We host our Garden Tour on even numbered years. Keep in touch for our next one!



We welcome guests at all of our open meetings,

Sept., Oct., Nov., Feb., Mar., Apr., & Jun.

Membership Info


Full year

(July 1 thru June 30 of the next year).


Dues are payable at the May club meeting or by June 30 at the latest.

One person (Single Membership): $50

Two adults residing at the same address (Dual Membership): $75



1st Tuesday of the month, 7-9 PM

Elks Lodge, 1 Morrell Street

at the corner of Spring Street,

West Roxbury MA 02132


September 10th: Speaker: Daphne Minner Theme: Getting to Know Pollinators


October 1st: Speaker: Carol Cohen Theme: A Walk Through the Garden with Eleanor Roosevelt


November 12th: Speaker: Angel Diaz Theme: The Centerpiece Flower Shop - Special Demonstration


December: Annual Holiday Gathering This is a Members Only event.



January 7th: Annual Board Meeting


February 4th: Speaker: Todd Breitenstein Theme: Natural Gardening and Living Soils


March 4th: Speaker: To be determined Theme:


April 1st: Speaker: Nancy Kressin Theme: Native Plants for Container Gardens


May 7th: Annual Meeting & Pizza Fest This is a Members Only meeting.


June 8th: Speaker: To be determined Theme:


July & August Informal Summer Gatherings

Members and invited guests only, hosted in garden of a club member Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM

What To Bring: This is a purely social event: no lecture or business agenda. Please bring your own lawn chair, a snack, dessert, or beverage to share in one of our member’s beautiful gardens.

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Membeship Info
Club Officers
Leadership Team


President: Barbara Menard

Vice President:  Nancy Clemens

Treasurer:  Kathy McGrath

Recording Secretary:  Carol Chaffee

Corresponding Secretary:  Betty Barry

Membership: Cynthia Kelly

Program Secretary:  Open Position 

           Committee:  Renee Montella




West Roxbury Branch Library Beautification Site

Barbara Van Dyke


Patricia Roberts & Rosie Kerwin


Open Position

Nominating Committee

Open Position

Public Relations Committee - Renee Montella

Web/Social Media Committee - Sally Barkin

Yearbook Committee - Open Position


Fulfilling Our Mission

The EGCWR is a 501©(3) charitable organization created for the purpose of providing our members and the public with gardening education and to help beautify the West Roxbury community.


We deliver on our educational mission primarily through lectures by professional horticulturists, environmentalists, and others.


Member-volunteers currently maintain two beautification sites in the community.

1. Caledonian Island Mass DOT Visibility Site, Route 1 and Caledonian Ave., West Roxbury

2. Entryway plantings and the Reading Garden at the West Roxbury Branch Library,

     1961 Centre St, West Roxbury

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Contact Us
Contact Us

We’re happy to answer your questions.

Want to be the first to know about upcoming club lectures and other events?

You can also ask us to add you to our non-member email list


Contact us by mail at…

The Evening Garden Club of West Roxbury

P.O. Box 320482

1834 Centre St.

West Roxbury, MA 02132-0482


Contact us by email at...


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Support our Work
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If there is a garden-loving friend or family member you would like to recognize

or memorialize with a donation to The Evening Garden Club of West Roxbury,

we would be honored to create a personalized acknowledgment with the name of the honoree.


Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.

400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 110

Waltham, MA 02451

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©2024 The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.  

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