Garden Club
Welcome Message:
Since 1953 the Southbridge Garden Club has served area towns,
evolving into a non-profit 501c(3) organization
when it became a member of
the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts in 2003.
The Garden Club is a regional club.
Members come from many local towns to participate.
We are an active club meeting monthly for gardening-related programs, visiting gardens of interest in our area and enjoying an annual luncheon.
May is our club Plant Sale.
November and December are reserved for planning
and creating items for our annual Greens Sale.
All members are asked to participate in both
the Plant Sale and Greens Sale.
Both are fun, educational, and community-based events.
The Garden Club generally meets the third Tuesday
of each month, March through October.
Program times and location vary depending on the activity offered.
Mission Statement:
To share an interest in horticulture and to expand our knowledge of gardening for our mutual benefit and that of our local communities.
Membership Benefits
Monthly meetings March-October featuring noted speakers, interactive workshops and tours.
Visit area gardens, parks and nurseries
Membership in Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts that includes educational opportunities and invitations to meetings
Access to passes to Tower Hill Botanic Garden
Engage in community outreach projects
Participate in the Plant Sale and Greens Sale
Learn from others who share gardening interests

Get In Touch!
We're happy to answer your questions.
Interested in Membership or attending an open event:
Contact Paige Szugda, Membership Chair, call or text at 774-230-7330 or email at
Mailing Address:
PO Box 912
Southbridge MA 01550
(more information regarding each will be provided as we get closer to the date of the program)
Our monthly programs are open to members and potential new members only, unless noted as public event.
Tuesday, July 16, 4pm, Monthly Program - Photographing Your Garden Lecture with member Nancy Dapkiewicz. Hitchcock Academy (2 Brookfield Road, Brimfield, MA).
Tuesday, July 23, Go on Your Own (GoYO) Buttonwood Sunflower Farm Tour (Griswold, CT).
Tuesday, August 20, 4pm, Business Meeting and Monthly Program – Garden Design 101 with Mary Jo Maffei. Hitchcock Academy (2 Brookfield Road, Brimfield, MA).
Tuesday, August 27, 11am tour, Ender’s Island Seaside Garden Tour with a focus on Dahlias! (1 Ender’s Island, Mystic, CT).
Thursday, August 29, 1pm. Book discussion, Soil:The Story of a Black Mother’s Garden, by Camille Dungy. Ellen Duzak’s Gazebo (1 Old Farm Road, Sturbridge).
Tuesday, September 17, 1pm, Monthly Program - “A Sense of Wonder: The Natural World of Rachel Carson”. Lecture by member Ellen Duzak. Charlton Grange (10 Main St, Charlton, MA). Cosponsored with the Charlton Grange. Free and Open to the Public. There is parking behind the building; with overflow parking in the small shopping plaza down the street on Rt 31.
This Program is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Tuesday, October 15, 11am, Club Annual Meeting and Luncheon.
November/December, Annual Greens Sale Fundraiser.
Announcements & News
Club Officers
(2-year term)
President -- Sally Anderson
Vice President – Sandy Gibson-Quigley
Treasurer – Robyn Goldberg
Secretary – Judi Newlands
Committee Chairs
(1-year term)
Community Service – Amy Leclair & Faith St Pierre
Corresponding Secretary – Anne Hrobsky
Hospitality/Annual Luncheon – Charlene Laporte
Greens Sale – Sandy Gibson-Quigley
Membership – Paige Szugda
Plant Sale - Suzanne Werner & Sally Anderson
Publicity (including Facebook) - Phyllis Hanlon
Program – April Frost & Lollie Dietz
Scholarship – Elaine Bouvier