Membership Info
Any South Shore resident is welcome to join the Perennial Gardeners.
Each member must serve on at least one committee per membership year
and participate in fundraising.
Members are also required to contribute 8 perennial plants from their gardens
or $40 to our annual spring plant sale.
Membership dues is $30 per year. Membership inquires
can be sent to Christine Josti,

We meet at the Hingham Public Library at 1pm on the first Monday of the month (unless otherwise noted).
September 11 - Welcome back and plant Yankee Swap
September Container Casting Workshop
October 2 - Dried Flower Arrangement in a Pumpkin with Lisa Lopes
November 6 - Garden Jeopardy!
November Boxwood Tree Centerpiece Workshop
December 4 - Annual Holiday Potluck
February 5 - Water Savvy Garden Design with Karen Chapman of Le jardinet, on Zoom
March 4 - Getting to Know Natives with Trevor Smith
April 11 - Look Ma, No Flowers! with Deborah Trickett. This is a joint meeting with the Norwell Garden Club and will be at 10:15am at the Norwell Public Library
May 6 - Field Trip to Cochato Nursery in Holbrook
May - Annual Plant Sale. Date & location TBA
June - Annual Potluck. Date & location TBA
Club Officers
President - Nancy Mellon
Vice President - Anne MacDonald
Recording Secretary - Terry Donovan
Treasurer - Craig Hannifin