When: 10:00 AM – 12 noon on
Tuesdays: October 22, 2019, April 7, 2020, and May 19, 2020
Where: Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Hunnewell Building
900 Washington Street (Route 16)
Wellesley, MA 02481
Cost: $145 for materials and instruction for 3 workshops
If a registrant cannot attend a workshop she may contact Beverly Sorrentino (bevrig2@verizon.net)
prior to the day of the workshop to designate someone to attend in her place OR
to designate another attendee to take her flowers and container home to her.
Bring: floral scissors and clippers, paper and pencil, and a trash bag
To register: please print the Registration Form by clicking the Register Now button, fill in the information,
and mail with your check for $145 made out to GCFM, Inc.
Space may be limited and will be on a first come basis.
You do not have to be a member of a GCFM garden club to participate.
You are registered for the series when you receive an acknowledgment of your check and registration form. and telephone number This is why your email is needed.
Questions? Ask Margo Yie at margo_yie@verizon.net or Beverly at bevrig2@verizon.net
